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Kode Produk: Rectifier
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Tersedia Aneka Macam Tipe Rectifier Harmerr + Simmons SAFT dari SM 600 - SM 2800

Spesifikasi : 
Harmer+ Simmons 48V Modules, 12A, 30A, 40A, 50A
Harmer+ Simmons power system is one of the famous brand of rectifier that provide compact switch mode or modular rectifier 1-phase or 3-phase with wide input and over voltage protection for worldwide telecom and data communication applications.

Harmer+ Simmons power system can be implemented in any environment ranging from stand alone simple installation up to the modular complex installation.

The Harmer+ Simmons power system is rectifier system that has: 
- High reliability
- High power density
- High MTBF
- Wide operating input voltage range
- Wide operating temperature range
- Reliable operation due to advance self-protection
- High efficiency
- Easy to operate ( compact, light, clear indications by LED) 
- RS232 / RJ45 Communication port and relay interface
- CE Approved and conform to internationally recognized standard for Safety, 
EMC, Telecom networks, Environment and Acoustic noise) 

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