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High Efficient Battery Cabinet Series

High Efficient Battery Cabinet Series

Rp 0
Merk: Huarui
Kode Produk: AC Panel
Poin Hadiah: 0
Ketersediaan: Stok ada

The two basic topics which related energy is energy generation and energy storage. The development of battery technology is just for solving the problem of energy storage. Battery needs good temperature environment to guarantee itself running with sage and efficiency.

Huarui makes innovative products for the safeguard of energy storage based on in-depth understanding of battery technology.

Battery cabinet use minimal power consupmtion, the highest insulation performance and long lasting constant temperature characteristics to build a constant temperature storage environment for a variety of batteries. It makes a constant temperature less than 30 degrees in the outdoor battery cabinet, to ensure that the battery can reach the scope of the claimed life. The battery cabinet can also have an independent power supply system, manage the power of air conditioning. It is the essential and necessary accessories for the future of distributed power supply networks(DG)

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